Transcript – Episode 8a: Glimpses from Gloffe

[Theme music: Hope & Inspire from Purple Planet]

[00:11] 8a: Glimpses from Gloffe

[00:14] While we’re talking about Gloffe, let’s stop in at the Wandering Mind Travel Agency and talk about the team who make this podcast possible.

[00:22] First of all, as you come in the door, you’ll probably be greeted by Tim and Loria, our bookings experts. They’re here to help the people of Gloffe pick out the holiday of a lifetime, every time. I asked them where they’re planning to go next, and Loria said she’d probably go over to Praadu, where her brother and his family live. Tim’s not sure, but he’s definitely saving up to go somewhere soon. Cross your fingers for him – normally, just as he’s about to book his trip, something breaks at home and he has to spend his savings on that instead. 

[00:53] As well as helping customers in person, Loria and Tim take phone and online bookings, and Tim is also responsible for the company’s Twitter account. Give him a follow @wanderingmindpc!

[01:06] If you’re a particularly famous face, you might get to go behind the counter and arrange your trip with our VIP Liaison, Alton. Don’t be offended if you don’t get to book with him, though – he won’t arrange my trips for me, either. Not until I’m mobbed by photographers on my way into the building! Alton’s next trip is set to be to Ospir for a bit of a reunion with some friends of his from university. They all studied in Eghran, which is here in Raphor, so I don’t know why they’re going all the way to Ospir to meet up, but then why not, I suppose? Any excuse for a holiday…

[01:38] Alton has booked trips for all sorts of celebrities, including Katya Nova, Tony Frye, and Kelnun Asettu. Apparently, he also once arranged a VIP holiday for someone claiming to be Zaccheus Gilbarde, which is quite impressive considering he’s been dead for three hundred years. Alton’s a little more careful to verify identities these days!

[02:01] Hidden away behind the scenes, we also have Carrie – who works very hard, no matter what Tim says. The two of them started here at about the same time, and they have a bit of a friendly rivalry. At least, I think it’s friendly. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Carrie is hoping to visit the sets of her favourite TV shows, so she’s currently got her sights set on either Shrewlie, in Tribo, or Mitt in Skow as her next destination.

[02:27] Then there’s Mr Linford Glass, our boss. It was his idea to start a travel podcast – at least officially, although I think Carrie might have had some involvement. He founded the company along with an old schoolfriend, but they parted ways quite early on. The friend still owns the Hotel Innovo in Ofren, which specialises in academic and business conferences, and I think Mr Glass is planning to visit there soon.

[02:51] And that brings us to the last member of the team – me! I might not always be in the office when you drop by – I move around a lot, after all – but if I am, do give me a smile and a wave. As for my next trip, well, I don’t actually know. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m looking forward to staying at home for a bit. Don’t worry, though – I’ll be back on the road in a few months and then it’ll be time for another adventure. So I suppose we’ll find out where we’re going together then!

[03:20] Next time, exclusively for patrons, I’ll be talking about the Gloffe Ghost Tour. Until then, safe travels!

[Theme music]

[03:30] This is a tangent that didn’t quite belong in the main episode, but I thought you might like it. I send home these little facts quite often, and you can get access to all of them by becoming a Patron at In fact, Patrons got this clip a week ago, and there’s a new one waiting for them now – so it’s a great time to sign up. Thanks!

[Theme music ends.]

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